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Roval Rapide CLX32 with ceramic speed bearings


Roval CLX32 with CeramicSpeed bearing, upgraded to 54T ratchet. Very lightweight wheelset, only 1.32kg for the set. What you'll get: 1 pair of wheels 2 wheel bags 1 pair of QR skewers, Original stock ratchet 1 set of admiration from your gang when you snatch their KOM (result may vary) Cut story short, I have sold my bike over a month now and have already moved on to disk. I just want to let go of this pair of very good wheels to a lucky owner. In this price range you can get stuff like the winspace hypers, reynolds, rhc with DT350s, roval CL, but what I'm offering you today is a Roval CLX. Its a top-tier Roval with ceramic speed bearing and its already upgraded to 54T ratchet. Urgent sale! DM me and nego sampai jadi

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