Fumpa Pump
Introducing the new range of USB Type-C rechargeable miniature electric bike pumps and pressure gauges.
Ready stock Cyclelogy Johor can be view in store location: https://www.google.com/maps?client=firefox-b-d&um=1&ie=UTF-8&fb=1&gl=my&sa=X&geocode=KXsvPTNxbdoxMb2wfWvSEXiJ&daddr=157,+Jln+Beringin,+Taman+Melodies,+80250+Johor+Bahru,+Johor
for more info please whatsapp DJ 010-948 9960 or click the link below https://wa.link/poc4fn
fumpa rm790
fumpa mini rm590
fumpa nano rm490
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